
Nature Chats - 3/12/2025

Nature Chats will be on
Wednesday, March 12th at

Join us for
"Nature Chats-Forest Forensics"
What can we learn about an animal's
life based just on the remains it 
leaves behind? This month we will
explore local animals by studying
their furs, skins, shells & bones!
Learn to interpret the traits and
adaptations these animals have
that make them so good at using their
senses to survive.

Spring Party! - 3/18/2025

Com for the fun on
Tuesday, March 18th!

From 10:00 to 1:00 we will
have music by the
"Senior Serenaders" and
light refreshments!

Bring your dancing shoes!
To attend call:
518-563-6180 or sign up
at the Center Office!

CC Historical Assn. - 3/21/2025

Dick Soper from the
Clinton Co. Historical Assn.
will be here Friday, March 21st
at 12:30!

Dick will bring us "The History
of Railroads - Plattsburgh
Part V" to include photos and

This is the last of a 5-part series!

Everyone welcome!

Caregiver Training! - 3/25/2025

Presentation given by Brooke Dubuque
from the Alzheimer's Association
Tuesday, March 25th  from 10am-Noon

Lunch will be provided at no charge for
participants by the SCC Nutrition Program.

Effective Communication & Responding to
Dementia Related Behaviors
How to communicate effectivly
Recognizing when additional help is needed

Please RSVP by 3/21/25 to attend this program 
Call Nicole Durgan, Caregiver Coordinator at

Scam Workshop! - 3/28/2025

Join us Friday, March 28th
at 11:30 am when
Ray Alexander, Project Coordinator
at the Office for the Aging presents:
"Let's Talk About Scams!"

Free workshop...

The Money Smart for Older Adults 
Program can help older adults, family
caregivers, and others prevent,
recognize and report scams, fraud and
financial exploitation!

Any questions call Ray at 518-565-4629

Nutrition Educator - 4/2/2025

Join us Wed., April 2nd from
10am to 11am when Shannon will
present "Colorful & Classic

Mac & Cheese with Broccoli

This class will focus on altering
favorite recipes to make them more
nutritious! RSVP appreciated at

Nature Chats! - 4/9/2025

Join us Wed., April 9th from
10:30 to 11:30 with Kristin Collins,
Environmental Educator presents:
"Trees and Climate".

What can we learn by studying tree
rings (besides age)? How do trees
impact climate change? Did you know
trees can make their own clouds???

What threats do trees face? How can
we help? This month we'll explore trees,
their important roles in the ecosystem,
what they do for us and what we can do
for them!

Everyone Welcome!

CC Historical Assn - 4/18/2025

Join us Friday, April 18th from
12:30 to 1:30 when Clinton County
Historical Assn. presents "Profiles
from Portraits" with Military Historian
Thaddeus Booth Trudeau.

See portraits of men once posted at the
Plattsburgh Barracks whose uniforms hint
at their military history undercovering
special stoies yet to be told!